
What We Believe
We help people follow Jesus by emphasizing our Four Main Pillars.
Expository Preaching
We believe the Bible should be taught in its original context, conveying the original meaning the author intended, with the main point of the sermon being the main point of the text. We usually teach through books of the Bible in their entirety verse by verse.
Biblical Evangelism
We believe the Bible gives us the information we need to share the good news about Jesus Christ with others. While there are a variety of ways to present the gospel, we believe an emphasis on God’s holiness, man’s sinfulness, Christ’s sinless life and death on the cross as our substitute, his bodily resurrection from the dead, and the necessary response of repentance and faith are essential.
Intentional Discipleship
We believe it is the duty of every Christian to disciple other believers. This means to invest in others through mentoring and training so that they can in turn mentor and train someone else in how to live for Jesus Christ.
Meaningful Church Membership
We believe that whenever someone trusts in Christ for salvation, they should be baptized into a local church and added to church membership. This comes with obligations and responsibilities as a family member with new brothers and sisters. We encourage one another, teach one another, love one another, and hold each other accountable.
Explanation from Lead Pastor Jake Wright